About 7 years back, Haman and myself, decided to go on an expedition into the Sabga hills and right up to the lake Babanki. We departed from Bamenda town late in the afternoon on Friday, paid a taxi and dropped at Bambili. We had decided to trek from Bambili to Kedjom-Ketinguh, that’s about 20km. Our journey began so well, as we climbed the hills of Bambili towards Sabga. It was in the rainy season, the grass was green, the skies were dark and it seemed the rains were around the corner. We were just unstoppable and determined to make this journey on foot. As we ascended, we could see the rocky beauty of the Bambili hills and the distant waterfalls around Mbingo.
We climbed until we got to the top of the hill, crossed the police check-points, the villagers were selling each his own produce, passenger and private cars were passing-by, but we just continued our trek. About 2hrs:30 mins later, we arrived the Sabga village, we had missed the rains that fell there. We bought a few chewables and moved on without any rest. We got close to the hills of Sabga, behold a chain of hills, each with its own features, with green pasture land, harboring horses and cows as the “gynakos” walked behind their cattle. We began descending, and just about 5 meters away from the road, we heard the sound of a waterfall, it sounded like a trumpet close to an ear. We got closer to have a clearer view and behold it was just so amazing. We took a few shots, and continued our trek, as we descended, curiosity lead us to going over the hills, and we wanted to see at all cost what was over the hills. There we climbed and climbed and arrived the top, then we began descending, as we descended, we could hear drops of waters, but we couldn’t see the waters itself. Finally we got to see about 4 cascades in these hills. It was so beautiful, but because we had been rained upon by mother rain, we had to keep on with our journey to hit the target.
We walked through Bamessing and stopped at the Prespot centre, then continued till we arrived Kedjom-Ketinguh. It was late about 7 pm. We got ourselves cleaned up and spent the night