We arrived Kribi late, and checked-in at our hotel, where we spent the night. We woke up very early the next morning and engaged ourselves with one of the most exciting journey I ever encountered. To visit the people of the forest, the Bagyieli pygmies, a people who live along the borders of the River Lobe and into the Equatorial forest of the South region.
It was my first experience in the waters, and it was the River Lobe. We got into the canoe and paddled along the river going upwards which was and is the right direction to take especially from the Lobe Bridge. We canoed up and up and past the Island of Yanick Noah, the Cameroonian musician. The paddlers, paddled so well that I forgot we were in the waters.
In about 10 minutes we got to the village of the pygmies. The canoe was anchored and, we stepped out of the canoe and walked about 50-100 meters were we finally met them. With the fresh breeze blowing from the forest, and the I would say a harmonized sounds of a large number of birds, I admired and observed this group of people who form part of the Cameroonian population. They are a people with small heights, not very bulky, are hunters and depend on the forest for their livelihood.
They live in small huts made of large leaves and branches, their dressing to cover important parts. They are welcoming and with smiles on their faces our interpreter engaged with them and informed us on every discussion that went on. We were entertained by their traditional dance with both men and ladies involved. The visit was an excellent one.

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